Bringing Your Dog to Drug and Alcohol Treatment

Written by SolutionPoint Behavioral Health

In our often challenging world, the comfort and companionship of our furry friends can serve as a sanctuary. They provide unwavering loyalty and unconditional love, and a soft place to land when the world becomes too overwhelming. The mere presence of a pet, particularly dogs, can make a considerable difference in our mental and emotional health. 

This concept is embraced wholeheartedly at SolutionPoint, a unique pet-friendly treatment center. Here, we make it easy for you to bring your pet to treatment, provided they are safe and well-behaved. While we love all furry companions, at this time we only allow dogs to accompany our patients to treatment. 

The Therapeutic Potential of Dogs

At SolutionPoint, we don't just like dogs, we understand their potential to help us heal. The bond between humans and dogs is deeply rooted in our evolutionary history, and we know that it’s a relationship that can be utilized effectively in therapeutic settings.

Making the Treatment Decision Easier

The decision to seek treatment is rarely an easy one. At SolutionPoint, we aim to alleviate some of the stress of relocating your pet by allowing clients to bring their dogs into treatment. By removing this worry, we lessen anxiety and create an environment that feels more like home, making the road to recovery a bit smoother.

More than Just Pet Lovers

We’re not just professionals; we’re also a staff of dog owners. We've felt the unconditional love of our pets and witnessed firsthand the transformative healing power they possess. By allowing dogs into our treatment programs, we hope to tap into several therapeutic benefits, including:

  1. Reducing anxiety and feelings of discomfort

  2. Increasing motivation and commitment

  3. Cultivating empathy

  4. Building trust and safety

  5. Enhancing a sense of self-worth

A Shared Responsibility

The choice to bring your dog to treatment is a shared responsibility between the client and SolutionPoint. While we’re committed to ensuring the safety and comfort of all clients, you as a client must take responsibility for the overall care of your dog. This includes ensuring your dog always behaves in a non-threatening manner. Specific expectations will be discussed prior to admission, in order to maintain a balance that benefits everyone involved.

Checklist For Bringing Your Pets to Rehab

Getting ready to bring your dog along to SolutionPoint? Here's a handy checklist:

  • Pack the dog bed and blanket

  • Stock up on food and treats

  • Grab the leash

  • Don't forget the poop bags

Taking the courageous step towards treatment is a monumental decision. At SolutionPoint, we believe your loyal friend shouldn't be an obstacle in this journey, but rather an integral part of the process. Our dog-friendly approach aims to create an environment conducive to your long-lasting healing and recovery. Call us to learn more at 833-773-3869.


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